Squatters Legal Costs Benefit with The Bucket Boyz

20161201_benefit_squatters_legal_costsThursday December 1st 2016, Squatters Legal Costs Benefit with The Bucket Boyz on the stage. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. Music from 9pm till 10pm.

The Bucket Boyz, knee slapin, crazy anarcho blue-trash from the Amsterdam bayou!!!! Trio banjo, Gut bucket and Chinese chopstick. “Rare Dutch treat The Bucket Boyz, who thrilled with their anarchic take on Tennessee folk.” (The Guardian).
http://thebucketboyz.hotglue.me/?eyes+ears/ […Lees verder]

10 years Joe’s Garage

2015_2005_10_years_joesgarageFor 10 years, Joe’s Garage organizes political action, film and debate evenings, discussions and demonstrations. Everyone is welcome whether it’s for advice in precarious housing, employment and other life issues or for a bowl of soup, a good conversation, nice music or a free raincoat from the Giveaway Shop.

As known, there is a desperate shortage of housing in Amsterdam. That is, we believe, generally not because of a lack of actual buildings but due to shortcomings of housing policy, power struggles in politics and greed in this capitalist capital. None of the 50 shades of the cabinet has ever really been able to solve this urgent problem.
Therefore we squat houses. After all, in hollow promises, one can’t live from pretty words and symbolic politics.

Joe’s Garage is also a squat but so much more than just that. Joe’s Garage is an autonomous, political, social and cultural center; 100% run by volunteers and without subsidy. Joe’s Garage shows what’s possible when people collaborate, share and exchange ideas, all in solidarity with each other. For 10 years now.

We, along with many of you, witnessed the neighborhood change significantly in the last 10 years. From a working-class neighborhood with many squats, social housing and Turkish grocery stores to a neat neighborhood with lots of expensive apartments and trendy coffee shops.
This change left no one unaffected. Some are delighted with the nicely refurbished homes, others miss the days you could still drink coffee for 1 Euro.. We find the conversation between people about this matter important and interesting to conduct.

Today we celebrate the autonomy, solidarity and freedom that we took 10 years ago and still cherish every day. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Überhaupt und Jetzt! Love and Rage! And more of such…

Saturday november 21th 2015:
14.00, giveaway shop and more
15.00, gentrification tour
18.00, people’s kitchen
19.00, bands: Beatzers (ska folk from the Amsterdam swamp), The Bucket Boyz (blue trash from the Amsterdam swamp), Adamastor (up-tempo Portuguese gypsy punk).

AdamastorAdamastor: it all started in Amsterdam in October 2013, when five thirsty musicians from Portugal, Holland and Spain, stepped on each other’s toes and since then continue to gladly step on each other’s toes! Since then it has been an exciting time. Every show people discover the new and exciting sound. Through Fado, Bluegrass, Gypsy, sweat, all kinds of emotions, and big bar revenues, Adamastor takes us on a multicultural infectious journey with no beginning nor end…

10 jaar Joe’s Garage

2015_2005_10_years_joesgarageAl 10 jaar lang organiseert Joe’s Garage politieke acties, film- en debatavonden, discussies en demonstraties.Iedereen is hier welkom; of het nou voor advies bij precaire woon-, werk- en andere levensvragen is of voor een kop soep, een goed gesprek, een mooi concert of een gratis regenjas uit de weggeefwinkel.

Zoals bekend is er een schrijnend woningtekort in Amsterdam. Dat ligt, volgens ons, over het algemeen niet aan een tekort aan daadwerkelijke panden maar aan tekortkomingen van het woonbeleid, machtsstrijd in de politiek en hebzucht in deze kapitalistische hoofdstad. Geen van de 50 tinten van het kabinet heeft dit urgente probleem ooit echt kunnen aanpakken.
Daarom kraken wij woningen. In holle beloften, mooie woorden en symboolpolitiek kun je immers niet wonen.

Joe’s Garage is dan ook een kraakpand maar veel meer dan dat. Joe’s Garage is een autonoom, politiek, sociaal en cultureel centrum; 100% gerund door vrijwilligers en zonder subsidie. Joe’s Garage laat zien wat er mogelijk is als mensen samen werken, delen, ideeën uitwisselen en solidair zijn met elkaar. Al 10 jaar lang.

We hebben, samen met velen van u, de buurt de afgelopen 10 jaar flink zien veranderen. Van een echte volksbuurt met vele kraakpanden, sociale huurwoningen en Turkse groentewinkels tot een chique stadswijk met heel veel koopwoningen en hippe koffietentjes.
Die verandering heeft velen niet onberoerd gelaten. Sommigen zullen blij zijn met de keurig opgeknapte woningen, anderen missen de tijd dat je voor een euro nog ergens koffie kon drinken. Het gesprek daarover tussen alle verschillende mensen in de buurt is belangrijk en vinden wij interessant om te voeren

Vandaag vieren wij de strijdvaardigheid, de solidariteit en de vrijheid die wij 10 jaar geleden namen en nog steeds elke dag koesteren. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Uberhaupt und Jetzt! Love and Rage! En meer van dattum…..

Zaterdag 21 november 2015:
14.00, weggeefwinkel en meer
15.00, gentrificatie tour
18.00, voku
19.00, bands: Beatzers (ska folk from the Amsterdam swamp), The Bucket Boyz (blue trash from the Amsterdam swamp), Adamastor (up-tempo Portuguese gypsy punk).

Singer Songwriters: Bucket Boyz, Andy Dale Patty, My Sisters Collected Fantasies

Friday September 20th 2013. Monthly music event, Singer Songwriters #4 with Bucket Boyz, Andy Dale Patty, My Sisters Collected Fantasies. Door opens at 7pm, vegan food on donation. Performances end at 10pm.

BUCKET BOYZ (NL), knee slapin, crazy anarcho blue-trash from the amsterdam bayou!!!! “Rare Dutch treat The Bucket Boyz, who thrilled with their anarchic take on Tennessee folk.” (The Guardian)
ANDY DALE PATTY (UK), Stick to the Shadows Fall 2013 Tour. Andy Dale Petty (Alabama USA) is taking his show on the road in Europe and America during the months of September and October. He is a one man Alabama Folk Songster playing American folk music on banjo, guitar and harmonica, in the style of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, John Fahey, and Michael Hurley. “Outlaw folk youngster with the hart n soul near to the Grave of Woody
Guthrie, all by himself beautiful twisted and desperate and uses his Guitar as a Wappon”.
MY SISTERS COLLECTED FANTASIES (D/NL/IT), A band existing from 3 people. Felix comes from Breda, Luca from Berlin and Isadora from Venice. Their inspiration comes from Disney and cowboy movies, classic music, indie pop, Elvis Presley and the early stuff Madonna did. Originally this band started as an acoustic dance music project in 2012 called Rua & Gallion. It has slowly developed into a band called My Sisters’ Collected Fantasies. […Lees verder]